Minecraft kalelab mod 2024 download
minecraft mod kalelab


Game Version: CB 1.6.2-R0.1
Total Downloads: 1,413
Updated: Aug 25, 2013
Created: Jul 29, 2013
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Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
kalelab v1.3.1 beta 89.17 KB Aug 25, 2013 CB 1.6.2-R0.1 595 download kalelab kalelab v1.3.1 betaDownload
KaleLab v1.3 beta 88.51 KB Aug 24, 2013 CB 1.6.2-R0.1 227 download kalelab KaleLab v1.3 betaDownload
kalelab v1.2 beta 19.19 KB Aug 5, 2013 CB 1.6.2-R0.1 224 download kalelab kalelab v1.2 betaDownload
kalelab v1.1 beta 18.38 KB Aug 4, 2013 1.6.2 204 download kalelab kalelab v1.1 betaDownload
kalelab v1.0 beta 19.16 KB Aug 3, 2013 1.6.2 163 download kalelab kalelab v1.0 betaDownload


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Latest Version v1.3.1 if not, Don't Download.

1. 自己定義人物升級血量增加。最大上限。最大血條顯示範圍。
2. 鐵斧點右鍵會依照等級吸怪,可自己定義最大吸收範圍。
3. 鐵斧點右鍵會依照等級吸物,可自己定義最大吸收範圍。
4. 箭雨又回來了XD
5. 玩家攻擊時會根據玩家攻擊力形成一個護盾防護自己,持續10秒,觸發機率為20%,可自己定義機率。
6. 可以保存你的馬,當你離馬會自動飛到你旁邊。
7. 馬不會死(已移除)
8. 防禦塔,範圍10格內攻擊怪物,每秒造成5傷害值。(其他玩家也會受到傷害)。可自己定意傷害。
9. 玩家對玩家減傷,玩家對怪物減傷。可自己定義減傷。
10. 怪物等級化,越高等怪物血量越多,攻擊越強。現在可以自定義嚕!!
11. 怪物攻擊有機率會觸發制盲與緩術,可自己定義觸發機率。
12. 新增殭屍1%掉落,武器卷軸,使鑽劍+1+9(合成方法鑽劍左中捲軸中中),現在可自定義掉落機率,與傷害公式
13. 新增無限之塔
14. 新增BOSS專區
15. 新增賭博(賽豬)


1. Level up ,add maxhealth to player and You can set MaxHealth
2. Iron_axe can let creature arourd you that will teleport to your stand place, and the distance depend on what level you are.
3. Iron_axe can let item arourd you that will teleport to your stand place, and the distance depend on what level you are.
4. bow can make a AE skill when right click ,the range is 5*5 ,and has 5 seconds cooldown.
5. when player attack it has chance to make a shield to u ,and the shield health depend on you damages to the mobs for ten seconds.
6. can save your horse to yml,when leave your horse too far it will teleport to your place Automatically.
7. horse can't die.(remove)
8. Tower Defense damage Monsters and Players around tower.
9. Reduce injury when two player hit by each other.
10. make monster has level system, and its damage depend on levels
11. Monster has some skills its has chance let players Blindness and slow.
12. zombie drop weapon paper can make your diamond sword more powerful.
13. add infinite tower
14. add boss zone
15. add gamble

How to Install and How to use!!
1. First,put kalelab.jar into your plugins fold. and must quired Controllable Mobs API
2. start your server or restart your server.
3. and all above features will work on your server simply.
4. You can edit config.yml for custom settings

Config Example
AddMaxHealthWhenLevelup: true 是否開啟升級加血
MaxHealthGetPerLevel: 4 升級時所獲得的最大血量
MaxHealth: 400 最大血量上限
MaxHealthScaled: 40 最大顯示血量上限
PlayerHitMonsterReduce: 60 玩家對怪物減傷%,不能為0最小是1。
PlayerHitPlayerReduce: 60 玩家對玩加減傷%,不能為0最小是1。
IronAxeMonsterItemRange: 20 鐵斧吸怪吸物最大範圍。不能為0最小是1。
perHitAbsorptionChance: 20 玩家每次攻擊所處發吸收盾的機率。不能為0最小是1。
perHitHealthBoostChance: 20 玩家每次攻擊所觸發回血機率。不能為0最小是1。
MonsterHitSlowChance: 10 怪物攻擊造成玩家緩術機率。不能為0最小是1。
MonsterHitBlindnessChance: 5 怪物攻擊造成玩家制盲機率。不能為0最小是1。
DefenseTowerDamage: 5 防禦塔攻擊力
DefenseTowerDamageRange: 10 防禦塔攻擊範圍
WeaponPaper: 1000 武捲掉落機率 0-10000
DefensePaper: 1000 防捲掉落機率 0-10000
HealPaper: 3000 補捲 掉落機率 0-10000
WeaponPerLevel: 5 武器加成每+1加多少攻擊力
ArmorPerLevel: 1 防禦加成每+1加多少減傷
MonsterLevel: 150 怪物等級與強度愈高越強建議150差不多了…

Commands Descriptions
/kl horse 你在馬上時打這指令會這隻馬變成你的
/kl shn <name> 可以改變馬的名稱
/kl call 把馬叫到你旁邊
/kl sendaway 把馬送離開
/klreload Reloaded KaleLab Config
/kl settowermob <towername> 設定無限之塔怪物點
/kl settowerplayer <towername> 設定無限之塔玩家點
/kl settowertype <towername> <type> 設定無限之塔怪物類別
/kl setbossmob <bossname> 設定王房怪物點
/kl setbosstype <bossname> <type> 設定王房怪物類別


kalelab.reload Reloaded KaleLab Config
kalelab.setmob 設定怪物最大上限數量
kalelab.setgamble 設定賽豬場
kalelab.setboss 設定王房
kalelab.settower 設定無限之塔


Bugs English
Now can't save horse details ex: health, equiptment,etc…
If you have promblems ,can email to me or pm me XD


To do
fix bugs

My Forum
My MC Server IP kalelab.no-ip.org



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