Earlier Versions
Name | Size | Uploaded | Game Version | Downloads | |
animania-1.12.2-extra- release | 1.84 MB | Feb 22, 2021 | 1.12.2 | 142,935 | ![]() |
animania-1.12.2-extra-1.0.1 release | 1.84 MB | Dec 18, 2020 | 1.12.2 | 34,797 | ![]() |
animania-1.12.2-extra- beta | 1.83 MB | Sep 11, 2020 | 1.12.2 | 121,761 | ![]() |
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This Animania Module requires Animania Base!
Animal Types in this Addon:
There are currently 2 ferret colors, Grey and White. Ferrets can be tamed, and will follow you once you feed them their favorite food. You will know they are tamed because a heart will occasionally float above their heads.
Ferrets found in: Savannas
Ferret Behaviors:
- Ferrets can be tamed by feeding them their favorite foods
- Ferrets can 'sit' and stay by right-clicking them. Click again to make them stand.
- Tamed Ferrets can ride on your shoulder. Simply sneak + right click to add them to your shoulder. Repeat to put them back down.
- Ferrets can drink water from rivers, ponds, and lakes or by hand
- Ferrets will steal eggs from Chicken nests (Hens and Roosters may fight back)
- Ferrets will also eat frogs and toads in the wild
- Favorite Foods: Eggs and some Raw Meats (Mutton)
(Note: breeding is not implemented for Ferrets)
There are currently 2 Hedgehogs, normal and albino. Hedgehogs can be tamed, and will follow you once you feed them their favorite food. You will know they are tamed because a heart will occasionally float above their heads.
Hedgehogs found in: Forests
Hedgehog Behaviors:
- Hedgehogs can be tamed by feeding them their favorite foods
- Hedgehogs can 'sit' and stay by right-clicking them. Click again to make them stand.
- Tamed Hedgehogs can ride on your shoulder. Simply sneak + right click to add them to your shoulder. Repeat to put them back down.
- Hedgehogs can drink water from rivers, ponds, and lakes or by hand
- Hedgehogs will steal eggs from Chicken nests
- Hedgehogs will also eat frogs and toads in the wild
- Hedgehogs can dig up Carrots, Beets, and Potatoes from farms
- Hedgehogs Foods: Eggs, Carrots, Beets
(Note: breeding is not implemented for Hedgehogs)
Hamsters come in many different colors. They love storing the food you give them in their little cheeks and following you around if you have food in your hand! Hamsters can also be tamed by feeding them their favorite food (Hamster Food). Hamsters can sit and wag their tails when tamed.
Found in: Deserts, Beaches
Hamster Behaviors:
- Hamsters can be tamed by feeding them their favorite foods
- Tamed Hamsters can 'sit' and stay by right-clicking them. Click again to make them stand.
- Tamed Hamsters can ride on your shoulder. Simply sneak + right click to add them to your shoulder. Repeat to put them down.
- Tamed Hamsters can now be placed in Hamster Balls, which they can roll around in for fun.
- Choose from 16 different colors. Place the ball on your tamed Hamster and take him for a stroll. Right click again to remove the Hamster Ball.
- Recipe: 8 Glass Panes, plus any Dye (or none for Clear) in the middle.
Hamster Ball Recipe (all dye colors supported)
Favorite Food: Hamster Food
Hamster Food Recipe
- Hamsters can provide power via a Hamster Wheel.
- Place your Hamster Wheel on the ground (recipe below)
- Place a well-fed and tamed Hamster on your shoulder (Sneak + Right Click), then place the Hamster in the Wheel (Right Click)
- You can add additional Hamster Food directly to the wheel (stacks up to 16)
- Right click on the wheel to remove the Hamster
- Sneak + Right click to grab the created energy
- The Wheel is a compatible power source with many tech mods and machines
Hamster Wheel Recipe
(Note: breeding is not implemented for Hamsters)
There are currently 7 peafowl variations.
India Blue, found in Jungles and Swamps
White, found in Jungles and Swamps
Other colors/breeds (Charcoal, Opal, Peach, Purple, Taupe) found in same locations
Peafowl Behaviors:
- Peafowl, like Chickens, eat seeds thrown on the ground or by hand
- Peafowl can drink from rivers, ponds, lakes, and troughs
- Peafowl will eat toads and frogs
- Peahens, like Hens, lay eggs in nests (same nest recipe). You can either gather these eggs to use in recipes or leave them for the Peacock to help turn into baby chicks.
Favorite Food: Seeds (in 1.11 and 1.12, any vanilla seed)
You can scatter seeds (Right Click) on the ground for Peafowl to eat.
There are currently 3 types of amphibians, Frogs, Dart Frogs, and Toads. They are ambient creatures, and have no favorite foods.
Frogs found in: Swamps, Rivers
Dart Frogs found in: Jungles
Toads found in: Swamps
Amphibian Behaviors:
- Frogs are generally afraid of players
- Dart Frogs are poisonous to the touch
- You can make poison arrows by right clicking a poison arrow on a Dart Frog
- Frogs and Toads are at the bottom of the food chain, and Chickens, Ferrets, Peacocks, and Hedgehogs will happily eat them if found in the wild
Thank You to Our Patreons!
- Gunnar Kelley
- Stacy Hinojosa
- LeKoopa
- Gold172
- Ltd_Webber
- Ice Kold
- Björn Herrström
- Tilt Parenting
- Joseph McVay
- Scott Radish
- Nicoloas Heather
- Sean
- Mannya
- CraftedLittlebit
- Elizabeth
Animania Credits
- Original idea by RazzleberryFox, with inspiration from Purplicious_Cow and cy4n
- Models and entity textures by RazzleberryFox, Raptorfarian, JurassicAlien, vroulas,
- Item textures, logos, and Blender renders by cy4n
- Development by Purplicious_Cow and Tschipp
- Animation, CraftStudio API by ZeAmateis and Timmypote
- Ferret Model Wulfyk
- Special thanks to modochu for his open source hamster mod!
Many thanks to all who contributed so that people all over the world can play! You rock!
- Bulgarian @JohnArmyTweetin
- Danish Ruukas
- German @derfl007 & ACGaming
- Spanish @ivandpf (original translation: @4karion)
- Finnish @ItsTehi
- French @Phyapple
- Hebrew @ren_doge_ + @ido102003ItsMe
- Italian @SgtDarkHawk
- Japanese SaziumR
- Norwegian @The_Larsinator
- Portuguese (BR) @AlgumSavage
- Portuguese @AlgumSavage
- Swedish @GoatZizGoat
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Purplicious_Cow is u/purplicious_cow
Tschipp is u/Tschipp
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