Minecraft Auto Message Broadcaster mod 2024 download
minecraft mod Auto Message Broadcaster

Auto Message Broadcaster

Game Version: 1.8.1
Total Downloads: 18,808
Updated: Jan 8, 2015
Created: Apr 12, 2014
Download Auto Message BroadcasterDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
AutoMessageBroadcaster v0.7 beta 17.38 KB Jan 8, 2015 1.8.1 14,710 download Auto Message Broadcaster AutoMessageBroadcaster v0.7 betaDownload
v0.5 - Auto Message Broadcaster alpha 17.19 KB Apr 12, 2014 CB 1.7.2-R0.3 4,098 download Auto Message Broadcaster v0.5 - Auto Message Broadcaster alphaDownload


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Auto Message Broadcaster allows you to broadcast infinite amounts of messages to specific user groups on your server.


  • Allows messages to be broadcasted by whoever you want on your server.
  • An infinite amount of Messages can be sent but, the only thing you have to do is configure more messages in the configuration file and update the number of messages to reflect the new number
  • Manually broadcast a message by typing "/broadcaster broadcast [message number]" when you're in-game or through the console
  • Very easy-to-use setup allowing you to configure this plugin to your needs!
  • Permission support either using OP or a permissions plugin. (configurable in the plugin setup)
  • Coloring is available! It uses hex codes and can be set in the configuration file (example: &4Message here)
  • Allows you to give select users a permission node so they no longer see the message. This is useful for creating a message in which only newly-registered users can see so that they can register on your forums, read the rules, ext.


First, download it, then place it into your plugins folder.
Then, A configuration file will be generated the first time the plugin is used. Finally, when you're done editing the config file, type "broadcaster reload" on the console to reload your configuration file without disturbing online users since no server restart is required!

Upcoming Features

  • Add Auto-Updater!
  • Fix Bugs.
  • Suggest some in the comments or tickets!

Error Reporting

Please leave a ticket or comment below.


  • /broadcaster reload – Reloads the plugin. Executable either through the console or in-game and allows you to reload the configuration file without having to restart the server and annoy users.
  • /broadcaster preview [message number] – Allows you to preview a message before sending it to all of your users. Usage would work as follows: "/broadcaster preview 1" and this would allow you to preview Message1 in the configuration file
  • /broadcaster broadcast [message number] -Allows you to send a broadcast to everyone that doesn't have the specific broadcaster.exemptfrommessage permission node associated with that message. For example, "/broadcaster broadcast 2" would broadcast a message to all users without the permission node "broadcaster.exemptfrommessage2"


  • broadcaster.*: Gives access to all of Auto Broadcast's commands, excluding exemptfrommessage nodes. This is manly used for admins because it has the children permissions of broadcaster.preview, broadcaster.broadcast and broadcaster.reload.
  • broadcaster.use: Gives access to preview and broadcast, but not reload. This is generally for moderators. This has the children permissions of broadcaster.preview and broadcaster.broadcast.
  • broadcaster.preview: Allows you to preview a message before broadcasting it.
  • broadcaster.broadcast: Allows you to broadcast a message.
  • "broadcaster.exemptfrommessage [message number] – Prevents a player from seeing a specific message. For example, "broadcaster.exemptfrommessage4" prevents all players with that permission group from seeing Message4.


  • Permission-type: SuperPerms (Chose SuperPerms if a permission plugin is in use or OP for the default permisison system)
  • Number-of-messages: 1 (Set to 2 or more depending on how many messages are being broadcasted)
  • Message1: (copy this section and change 1 to 2-100 for more messages)
  • Is-In-Use: true (if set to true this message will be broadcasted)
  • Message: Please read all rules! (Enter your message after Message:)
  • Delay-in-minutes: 1 (between when the message will be broadcasted again)
  • Recurring-broadcast: true (set to false, your message will be broadcasted once)
  • Offset-delay: 5 (delay message first broadcast after the server starts)
  • Op:
  • Op-sees-message: true
  • Player-sees-message: true

Warning! Do not put bullet points in actual config file and make sure formatting is correct.

This plugin uses the MCStats service created & maintained by Hidendra

For information on the MCstats service please go to: http://mcstats.org/learn-more/
This can be turned off by going into the plugins folder, then into the pluginmetrics folder and putting mcstats.org
opt-out: to true.
The stats for this plugin can be viewed at: http://metrics.griefcraft.com/plugin/AutoMessageBroadcaster


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