Minecraft Cobble Iron Extraction mod 2024 download
minecraft mod Cobble Iron Extraction

Cobble Iron Extraction

Game Version: 1.12.2
Total Downloads: 491
Updated: May 31, 2021
Created: Oct 17, 2020
Download Cobble Iron ExtractionDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
CobbleToIron Mod v2.1 release 51.94 KB May 31, 2021 1.12.2 74 download Cobble Iron Extraction CobbleToIron Mod v2.1 releaseDownload
CobbleToIron Mod v2 release 50.34 KB May 23, 2021 1.12.2 21 download Cobble Iron Extraction CobbleToIron Mod v2 releaseDownload
CobbleToIron Mod v1 release 34.77 KB Nov 18, 2020 1.12.2 396 download Cobble Iron Extraction CobbleToIron Mod v1 releaseDownload


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Have/do you

1. Installed a quarry mod and had it mine loads of cobble?

2. Mined way too much and got your storage full of cobble?



I had the 1st one happen to me, so I made this mod to put loads of cobble to use.

Iron extraction in v1: Make cobblestone into rocks, make a hammer with 2 rocks and use the rest of your rocks to make iron ore nuggets to make into iron ore.

Iron extraction in v2: Make cobble into rocks, make a hammer with 2 rocks, find 9 magnetite ore (a relatively rare ore that spawns in veins of 1, from y 0 to y 40. there's 6 ores per chunk) smelt them, make a permanent magnet with 9 ingots, combine it with 2 stone powders to extract 1 iron dust which smelts into an iron ingot

Made with MCreator for personal use, feel free to use it in any way you want. Also, if you wanna make mods but can't code, I recommend MCreator.




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