Minecraft DirectSupport mod 2024 download
minecraft mod DirectSupport


Game Version: 1.6.1
Total Downloads: 7,054
Updated: Feb 3, 2013
Created: Aug 30, 2012
Download DirectSupportDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
DirectSupport 1.04c release 47.07 KB Feb 3, 2013 1.6.1 3,031 download DirectSupport DirectSupport 1.04c releaseDownload
DirectSupport 1.04b release 46.77 KB Oct 23, 2012 CB 1.3.2-R2.0 990 download DirectSupport DirectSupport 1.04b releaseDownload
DirectSupport 1.4 release 46.74 KB Oct 21, 2012 CB 1.3.2-R2.0 590 download DirectSupport DirectSupport 1.4 releaseDownload
DirectSupport 1.3b release 33.46 KB Sep 17, 2012 CB 1.3.2-R0.1 812 download DirectSupport DirectSupport 1.3b releaseDownload
DirectSupport 1.3 release 33.28 KB Sep 9, 2012 CB 1.3.2-R0.1 721 download DirectSupport DirectSupport 1.3 releaseDownload
DirectSupport 1.02 release 30.60 KB Sep 8, 2012 CB 1.3.2-R0.1 296 download DirectSupport DirectSupport 1.02 releaseDownload
DirectSupport 1.01 release 26.17 KB Sep 2, 2012 CB 1.3.2-R0.1 300 download DirectSupport DirectSupport 1.01 releaseDownload
DirectSupport release 25.69 KB Aug 30, 2012 CB 1.3.2-R0.1 314 download DirectSupport DirectSupport releaseDownload



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DirectSupport is a plugin dedicated to direct private support. Easy, fast, personal.

About DirectSupport

DirectSupport works through requesting a ticket with a question when there is a support operator available. The operators receive a message that someone is requesting support and accepts the support request. The user and operator are moved into a private channel where they can talk to eachother.

What Makes it Unique?

Apart from most other tickets systems, DirectSupport is very user-friendly and personal for the player awaiting help. Where most other help plugins require commands and comments, DirectSupport focuses on making it as easy as possible to help and get help.

Staff Chat

DirectSupport has a build in Staff Chat for Moderators to chat in a seperated chat channel.

Toggle the Staff Chat command to enable or disable the Staff Chat.

Commands & Permissions:

Permissions and commands are divided by parent permissions, this means you only to setup three permissions in order to start using DirectSupport on your server. Easy, fast, personal.

User Commands
Command Description Permission
/ds create ticket Access to create a help ticket. ds.create-ticket
/ds leave Ability to leave your current ticket.
/ds helpers View the online available helpers.
Mod Commands:
Command Description Permission
A "mod" can perform all listed mod commands. ds.mod
/ds a Toggle the Staff Chat on or off. ds.a
/ds list Access to a full list of open tickets. ds.list
/ds accept Ability to help a ticket. This technically registers this user as a "helper". ds.accept
/ds goto id Ability to Teleports to a ticket. ds.goto
/ds completed Access to a full list of completed tickets. ds.completed
Admin Commands:
Command Description Permission
An "admin" can perform all listed commands. ds.admin
/ds spy Ability to spy on other help tickets. ds.spy
/ds block Ability to block support notifications. ds.block-messages
/ds say id message Ability to say messages into tickets you are not in. ds.say
/ds delete id Ability to delete tickets. ds.delete
/ds view id Ability to view back conversations. ds.view
/ds reload Ability to reload plugin config. ds.reload

Command usage through '/ds' and '/ticket'.

Standard Configuration File

The following config will automatically be created on the first run of DirectSupport:

    channel-format: '&3[DirectSupport -> &b{OTHER}&3] &b{PLAYER}&f: {MESSAGE}'
    max-name-size: 50
    delay-after-cancellation: 10
    disallow-creation-when-no-ops: true
    help-menu: 7
    active-tickets: 7
    completed-tickets: 7
    convo-messages: 7
  admin-chat-format: '&3[DirectSupport &bMods&3] &b{PLAYER}&f: {MESSAGE}'
  accept-ticket-format: '&3[DirectSupport] &b{HELPER} &3is now assisting you.'


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