Minecraft DupeFixerUpgrade mod 2024 download
minecraft mod DupeFixerUpgrade


Game Version: 1.12
Total Downloads: 119
Updated: Jul 17, 2020
Created: Jul 12, 2020
Download DupeFixerUpgradeDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
DupeFixerUpgrade Release v1.2 release 18.52 KB Jul 17, 2020 1.12 104 download DupeFixerUpgrade DupeFixerUpgrade Release v1.2 releaseDownload
DupeFixerUpgrade v1.1 alpha 11.12 KB Jul 14, 2020 1.12 9 download DupeFixerUpgrade DupeFixerUpgrade v1.1 alphaDownload
DupeFixerUpgrade_v1.0 alpha 6.74 KB Jul 12, 2020 1.12 6 download DupeFixerUpgrade DupeFixerUpgrade_v1.0 alphaDownload


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The plugin just released, and we hope you will write its vulnerabilities and bugs in the comment section below! And regularly check our updates out! It can be a critical bug fix.

Also take a look on the reasons, why would you use this plugin down below!


Dupe Fixer Upgrade is easy-to-use plugin, that contains following functions:

– Any donkey dupes fix (makes llamas / donkeys / mules untamable, that doesn't allow dupers to use 'Mount Bypass' function.

-  11/11 dupe fix

– Falling blocks dupe fix
– Chunk memory overflow dupe fix (not available for the Release v1.2)
– Deadly dupe fix (pushing half of a heart zombie with item, llama, donkey with chest into the end portal)

More functions will be in the next versions!


Setting up

Note: enable only functions, that fixes working dupe / exploit on your server

I. config.yml file configuration!


in config.yml file you can change labels, that plugin sends to player, example:
"&cSorry, but you can't tame animals that can carry chest!"
Also in config.yml you can change the Boolean (true or false) values of
fixes. Example, entityTame is bollean, defining, can player tame llama or
donkey, or not.
If entityTame is true, plugin's fix is working and player can't tame them



II. Command configuration!


This plugin has custom commands!
/info <dupefixer / list>
/info dupefixer will show you info about plugin
/info list will show you list of fixes


/setbool <parameter> <value>(true/false) – this command will help you
temporaly, without /reload
set fixes' boolean values. Example, you can't do /reload, but you need to
immediatly turn on 11/11
dupe fix. Just type '/setbool dropDupe true' to turn on this function
NOTE: when you restart or reload server, it turns to default config.yml value!
Also configure there, otherwise you may forget.
'/setbool help' will show you list of booleans, that you can set

Explanation of all these strange words in /setbool help:)
'/setbool entityTame true' – players can't tame llamas and donkeys
'/setbool dropDupe true' – players can't use 11/11 dupe
'/setbool chunkSave true' – fix of chunk memory overflow dupe (not available now)
'/setbool deadlyDupeNether true' – fix deadly dupe with nether portal
'/setbool deadlyDupeEnd true' – fix deadly dupe with end portal
'/setbool netherTop true' – tps player from nether roof (not available now)
'/setbool bedrockBreak true' – prevents bedrock destruction (not available now)
'/setbool bookBan true' – fixes book ban exploit (not available now)
'/setbool fallingBlocks' – fixes falling blocks dupe



Why you would use this plugin?:

1. Optimization. I introduce you almost best ways to fix exploits and dupes in Minecraft,
that allows your server to reduce amount of energy, spent on exploits fixes.
2. Fast plugin bug fixes. If you found a bug, just let me know, and it will be fixed soon.
3. Easy configuration. You can configure plugin fixes even without plugin reload! (note: watch 'Commands')
4. Many steps of tests to discover, what vulnerabilities plugin have and fix them, that makes even more difficult to find them being an usual player.

5. This plugin 100% works on 3 tested servers' cores: Bukkit, Spigot, Paper!


In the next versions:

– Bedrock destruction exploit fix

– Book banning exploit fix

– Nether roof kick


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