Minecraft Kuzey’s Foods mod 2025 download
minecraft mod Kuzey’s Foods

Kuzey’s Foods

Game Version: 1.16.5
Total Downloads: 204
Updated: Apr 30, 2021
Created: Mar 10, 2021
Download Kuzey’s FoodsDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
Kuzey's Foods Mod - 0.0.6 - 1.16.5 FORGE beta 329.71 KB Apr 30, 2021 1.16.5 121 download Kuzey’s Foods Kuzey's Foods Mod - 0.0.6 - 1.16.5 FORGE betaDownload
Kuzey's Foods Mod - 0.0.5 - 1.16.5 FORGE beta 330.52 KB Apr 10, 2021 1.16.5 57 download Kuzey’s Foods Kuzey's Foods Mod - 0.0.5 - 1.16.5 FORGE betaDownload
Kuzey's Foods Mod - 0.0.4 - 1.16.5 FORGE beta 277.47 KB Apr 7, 2021 1.16.5 16 download Kuzey’s Foods Kuzey's Foods Mod - 0.0.4 - 1.16.5 FORGE betaDownload
Kuzey's Foods Mod - 0.0.2 - 1.16.4 FORGE alpha 184.46 KB Mar 10, 2021 1.16.5 7 download Kuzey’s Foods Kuzey's Foods Mod - 0.0.2 - 1.16.4 FORGE alphaDownload
Kuzey's Foods Mod - 0.0.1 - 1.16.4 FORGE alpha 126.44 KB Mar 10, 2021 1.16.5 3 download Kuzey’s Foods Kuzey's Foods Mod - 0.0.1 - 1.16.4 FORGE alphaDownload



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Kuzey's Foods

Brings new foods to the game!


This mod aims to bring new and balanced foods without disturbing the original game. Some foods that are already in the game are inadequate. It is a mod that allows you to use variety and some unused things. It contains mechanical innovations such as a cutting board. Drinks such as Chocolate Milk and Honey Milk, which are drinkable versions, can be made by pasteurizing the milk. Also, sugar is used in making Apple Jam, Sweet Berry Jam, Caramel, Caramel Candy, Apple Candy and Caramel Apple. These are just examples in the mod.


Chopping Board
You can cut food on it. You can cut your breads and make dishes such as sandwiches and hamburgers. Apart from that, you can cut the chicken into pieces to make chicken soup!

How to craft Chopping Board and other necessary things

Chopping Board Recipe

Chopping Board Recipe


After that, you need to craft Kitchen Knife too.

Kitchen Knife Recipe

Kitchen Knife Recipe


How to use Chopping Board?

how to use chopping board

Now all you have to do is cut something with the Chopping Board! Remember, the Kitchen Knife will suffer a certain amount of damage after each cut.

Do you want to make bread? It is different now!

Bread making has changed completely. Since the new foods are so powerful, we had to balance for very filling foods like sandwiches and burgers. We made our goal in Update 0.0.5.


But how is bread made now?

First, you need to make Quern!

Quern in game

How to craft Quern and other necessary things

Quern Stone Recipe

Quern Stone Recipe

Quern Recipe

Quern Recipe

Before you start making bread, you have to make flour. For this, you have to divide the wheat into its grains.
Wheat Grain Recipe

Wheat Grains Recipe

And then use Quern to make Flour!
Flour Recipe

Flour Recipe

Then you can combine a bucket of water and two pieces of flour and make two dough! Things like the remaining bread making were slightly changed. Also, various visual improvements and bug fixes were made. You can also make rock salt from raw rock salt with quern.

And finally, Rock Salt!

Rock Salt ingame

It drops Raw Rock salt which is you can process in the Quern to make Rock Salt!

Rock Salt Recipe

What then?

The rest is easy, actually. If you want, tell your game that you want to learn all the recipes with magic words. You can also learn with another mod. If I put all the recipes here, I don't put them because recipes changing repeatedly. Oh by the way, magic words:
/recipe give (your character name) * (<— it's a star)






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