The best Minecraft mods 2024 for Recipes


Here's a visual explanation of how it works:   Here's a super mega list of all...
download Paint’s Flexible RecipesDownload
Minecoin Datapack This data pack adds in Minecoins into Java Edition. This can be used to...
download Minecoin [Datapack Edition]Download
Introduction:After playing for several days in my Frozen Hell world, it felt really bad that I spent 44...
download Backwards Crafting | Salvage & Disassemble Items!Download
– More Crafting and Item Breakdown –   Downloads available for every Minecraft version from 1.13 to...
download More Crafting and Item BreakdownDownload
Inglês (tradutor do Google) Adicione novas receitas para a integração do IE Garden Cloche com Mystical...
download IE Garden Cloche integration Mystical AgricultureDownload
This datapack changes the recipes and stats of MrCrayfish’s Gun mod to match the Create mod...
download Create Gun Changes [Datapack]Download
With 50+ new recipes added to the game, this datapack for 1.13 snapshots aims to bring...
download Better Vanilla Crafting PackDownload
Dependency Tag+ (since v4.0.0) 📜 Description Tweak recipes, and add new recipes. Some recipes can reduce...
download RecipePlus (Recipe+) [Data Pack]Download
This Datapack will add 7 katana in minecraft  Added Katana -Golden Katana -Diamond Katana -Netherite Katana...
download Datapack KatanaDownload
This datapack is designed for the TerraForged mod to make crafting easier if stone is hard...
download Strata RecipesDownload