The best Minecraft mods 2025 for Addons


The BuildCraft Builders module contains means of manipulating the minecraft landscape, aiding you in mining, building...
download BuildCraft|BuildersDownload
Welcome to Advanced Machines UUUMA (Unnerfed Unbuggy Updated Machines Again).   Questions/Suggestions/etc should be put on...
download Advanced MachinesDownload
The BuildCraft Robotics module contains the means to automate your world to in the coolest possible...
download BuildCraft|RoboticsDownload
Tinker Stages   This mod is an addon for the GameStage API. This allows for access...
download TinkerStagesDownload
The BuildCraft Silicon module contains all means of controlling your BuildCraft world in a more advanced...
download BuildCraft|SiliconDownload
Adds recipes from Gendustry's machines to JEI. Supports all machines from Gendustry (Except Industrial Apiary).  ...
download Gendustry JEI AddonDownload
This is a pretty straightforward mod and it does a couple of things: Removes the flashing...
download No Night Vision FlashingDownload
Tinkers Alloying Addon - TAIGA TAIGA is an addon for tinkers construct. It aims to find new minable...
download TAIGA (Tinkers alloying addon)Download
Credits: Original Mod Developers: Thunderdark & MatchlightProgramming: nekosune  & MinalienArt: Imalune This mod adds a modular...
download Modular Forcefield SystemDownload
This mod was originally created by AUTOMATIC_MAIDEN. Then maintained by Pokefenn. Now it is my turn...
download Chisel 3 (The Cricket Strikes Back)Download