Minecraft Not Enough God Damn Ores mod 2024 download
minecraft mod Not Enough God Damn Ores

Not Enough God Damn Ores

Game Version: 1.9.4
Total Downloads: 1,011
Updated: Jun 4, 2016
Created: Jun 4, 2016
Download Not Enough God Damn OresDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
NotEnoughGodDamnOres-1.9.4-v1.5 release 5.09 KB Jun 4, 2016 1.9.4 869 download Not Enough God Damn Ores NotEnoughGodDamnOres-1.9.4-v1.5 releaseDownload
NotEnoughGodDamnOres-1.9.4-v1.0 release 4.13 KB Jun 4, 2016 1.9.4 142 download Not Enough God Damn Ores NotEnoughGodDamnOres-1.9.4-v1.0 releaseDownload


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This mod is simply TooManyGodDamnOres ported for MinecraftForge 1.9.4 NOW WITH FEATURES FROM TooManyDanyOres!

If TooManyDanyOres is ported to 1.9.4, please use it instead.


MODPACKS: Leave post down in comments saying you will include the mod in the pack, with the name of the pack.



This mod does not disable world gen of ores, but simply adds in methods to change the ores after harvesting them.

It's all based off configuration and is very easy to use.

To configure a replacement, simply add the ore dictionary name, followed by the modid for the replacement block.

Take the below configuration as an example:

# Configuration file

exclusions {
        S:oreCopper <
        S:oreTin <
exclusions {

notenoughgoddamnores {
# Try increasing in case of lag [range: 1 ~ 1200, default: 100]
I:"Merge Items Every X Ticks"=100

replacements {

With this config, when a block is harvested, and said block is in the config for OreDictionary translation, the block will be changed to the TechReborn version. Also, if you have any of the ores or items mentioned in the config in your inventory, every 100 ticks they will be translated.

This works with silk touch, and aims to not interfere with any other mods that use the HarvestDropsEvent.

In the case of mods like TinkersConstruct, you'll want to exclude certain blocks from being replaced or being used to replace others. In the example above you'll see us excluding the gravel ore blocks. New versions of TinkersConstruct do not need this, but you may need to use an exclusion for something else.

This mod is aimed for people putting together their own modpacks, and do not want to mess with ore generation.



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