Minecraft Origins mod 2024 download
minecraft mod Origins


Game Version: 1.16.1
Total Downloads: 637
Updated: Jul 7, 2020
Created: Jul 7, 2020
Download OriginsDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
Origins-1.0.0-r1.16.1.zip release 59.61 MB Jul 7, 2020 1.16.1 637 download Origins Origins-1.0.0-r1.16.1.zip releaseDownload


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What is this Texture Pack?
This is a 1.16.1 texture pack I made which features a combination of many other popular texture packs out there. Many items and blocks that have been textured here are very realistic. Even enchanted items have a rainbow glint to them to make them look even cooler! Featuring over 750 block textures and over 400 item textures, this texture pack is enough to satisfy your needs for a better texture pack which is also optimized. Includes many different sizes of textures, mainly x512 (only maybe 10-20 most), and x64 (most textures in the pack are this size).


Why should I download this pack?

You should try out this texture pack because the colors included in the textures for each item, block, entity, etc is used very carefully to look realistic. Try this pack a couple times, and if you like it, you can send me a comment and share it with other people!


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