Minecraft Ricardo Milos Iron Golem [C U R S E D] mod 2025 download
minecraft mod Ricardo Milos Iron Golem [C U R S E D]

Ricardo Milos Iron Golem [C U R S E D]

Game Version: 1.14.2
Total Downloads: 21,396
Updated: Jun 20, 2019
Created: Jun 20, 2019
Download Ricardo Milos Iron Golem [C U R S E D]Download Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
Release release 101.85 KB Jun 20, 2019 1.14.2 21,396 download Ricardo Milos Iron Golem [C U R S E D] Release releaseDownload



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Ever wanted Ricardo Milos in vanilla minecraft but haven't found a solution? Well then this resource pack is for you! All this modpack does is change the Iron Golem into a Ricardo Milos villager with thong and all! So just plop down your 4 iron blocks and your Carved Pumpkin and you're set!



Ricardo in all his gloriousness

 Also credit to MagmaCube on planet minecraft for the Ripped Iron Golem villager texture I used as the base! You can find him here.


We also have a Discord server for all my projects and servers so feel free to join!


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