Minecraft SinkScripts mod 2024 download
minecraft mod SinkScripts


Game Version: 1.7.4
Total Downloads: 226
Updated: Jun 1, 2014
Created: May 22, 2014
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Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
SinkScripts v1.0 release 3.46 MB Jun 1, 2014 1.7.4 226 download SinkScripts SinkScripts v1.0 releaseDownload


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SinkScripts is a plugin which adds support for executing, loading & saving groovy scripts.
It also supports interactive ingame scripting.

Groovy is a programming language which is similar to java.
You can find more information about groovy here.


You will need SinkLibrary v1.9.7 or higher if you want to use this plugin. You can get it here.

Interactive Console

You can code while ingame (using the chat)!
Use /script (without any args) to enable and disable the interactive console!


/script //Enable interactive console
int i = Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers().size()
return "There are currently " + i + " players online!"
/script //Disable interactive console

Script Commands

Commands are prefixed with a . and can be used with the /script command (e.g. /script .execute) and the interactive console

List of commands:

  • .help: List all commands
  • .load <file>: Load file.groovy and add to code history
  • .save <file>: Save code history to file.groovy
  • .execute: Execute code history
  • .execute <file>: Load and execute file (code history not included)
  • .histroy: Show code history
  • .clear: Clear code history

Command Scripting

If you don't want to use the interactive console, you can also script using this command: /script


/script int i = 5
/script return i
/script .execute
/script .save test

Pre-defined Variables

Variables are splitted into two:
Constant and non Constant variables.

Constant variables won't change and will always stay the same.
Non-Constant variables are variables which updates with each execution…


  • me: User (de.static_interface.sinklibrary.User) instance of the sender
  • plugin: JavaPlugin instance of this plugin
  • player: Player instance of the sender
  • server: Bukkit instance (you can actually use Bukkit.getServer() instead…)


  • x: X coordinate of the sender (double)
  • y: Y coordinate of the sender (double)
  • z: Z coordinate of the sender (double)
  • players: A Player[] Array with the online players
  • users: A Collection<User> with the User instances of the online players
  • at: The block the sender is currently looking at

    Please note, that you can't use these variable names for other variables.

Example Usage:

for(Player p : players)
    p.sendMessage(String.format("Hello World! I'm at X:%s, Y:%s and Z: %s! ", x, y, z));

Default Imports

These are the default imports:

import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.*;
import org.bukkit.block.*;
import org.bukkit.entity.*;
import org.bukkit.inventory.*;
import org.bukkit.material.*;
import org.bukkit.potion.*;
import org.bukkit.util.*;
import org.bukkit.*;

You can of course import other packages too (just type import tdl.package.example)

Scripts Folder

The scripts are located here:

  • <Bukkit Folder>
    • plugins
      • SinkPlugins
        • scripts

You can edit or save your script in this folder. The extension needs to be name.groovy
After saving it, you can load it with .load <name>

Example Script

 * Example script
 * Description: sends the current TPS to all online players, and heals every player
double currentTPS = SinkLibrary.getSinkTimer().getAverageTPS();
String sendPlayers = "";
for (Player player : players)
    player.sendMessage(ChatColor.AQUA + "Current TPS: " + currentTPS)
    if (sendPlayers == "")
        sendPlayers = player.getName()
        sendPlayers += ", " + player.getName()

return "Message has been send to: " + sendPlayers + "!"

Advanced Example

  This scripts registers an event listener which is listening for IrcReceiveMessageEvent which is fired by SinkIRC and makes the IRC Bot  send that message back (something like an echo). It shows how to use listeners with this plugin, you can also listen for other events...
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;
import de.static_interface.sinklibrary.events.IrcReceiveMessageEvent;

class TestListener implements Listener {
    public void onIrcReceiveMessage(IrcReceiveMessageEvent event) {

Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(new TestListener(), plugin);


There is only one permission, because if you can execute scripts, you don't need any other permission, because you can give with this even yourself op! So be careful when giving this permission:

sinkscript.execute: Allows to use this plugin

Continuous Integration

Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the
BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk. They may be also unstable.

Link: http://ci.static-interface.de/job/SinkScripts/lastBuild/

Source Code

This plugin is Open Source!
GitHub Icon http://github.com/adventuria/sinkscripts
Pull Requests are welcome 🙂


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