Minecraft Sleep-most mod 2024 download
minecraft mod Sleep-most


Game Version: 1.13
Total Downloads: 2,410
Updated: Sep 6, 2018
Created: Sep 6, 2018
Download Sleep-mostDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
sleep-most v1.1.1 for 1.13.1 release 5.95 KB Sep 6, 2018 1.13 2,410 download Sleep-most sleep-most v1.1.1 for 1.13.1 releaseDownload



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We moved to Spigot long time ago! Please visit THIS url for the latest version with many more features and updates.




What is sleep-most?

Sleep-most is a plugin that allows the server owner to configure how many people have to sleep before it turns back into daytime. The server owner can configure a percentage according to all online players that have to sleep.

It will even calculate how many people are already sleeping and how many that are left.

The moment the amount is reached, it will turn into daytime again.





  • configure how many percentage has to be reached
  • configure all messages including colors
  • configure the prefix



  percentage-required: 50
  prefix: '&f[&csleep-most&f]'
  night-skipped: '&bThe night was skipped!'
  players-left: '&bSleeping to skip night &f[&c%sleeping%/%required%&f]&b!'

How to install

  1. put the jar in your plugin folder
  2. restart/reload the server
  3. *optional change the config and messages
  4. *optional repeat step 2 (follow up 3)
  5. Done!


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