Minecraft Sword Selection mod 2024 download
minecraft mod Sword Selection

Sword Selection

Game Version: 1.16.5
Total Downloads: 159
Updated: Jul 19, 2021
Created: Jun 26, 2021
Download Sword SelectionDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
swordselection-1.16.5-1.1.jar release 45.53 KB Jul 19, 2021 1.16.5 0 download Sword Selection swordselection-1.16.5-1.1.jar releaseDownload
swordselection-1.16.5-1.0.jar release 40.52 KB Jul 10, 2021 1.16.5 48 download Sword Selection swordselection-1.16.5-1.0.jar releaseDownload
swordselection-1.16.5-0.4.1.jar beta 24.63 KB Jul 8, 2021 1.16.5 18 download Sword Selection swordselection-1.16.5-0.4.1.jar betaDownload
swordselection-1.16.5-0.4.0.jar beta 22.96 KB Jul 7, 2021 1.16.5 22 download Sword Selection swordselection-1.16.5-0.4.0.jar betaDownload
swordselection-1.16.5-0.3.1.jar beta 22.71 KB Jul 6, 2021 1.16.5 12 download Sword Selection swordselection-1.16.5-0.3.1.jar betaDownload
swordselection-1.16.5-0.3.0.jar beta 21.78 KB Jul 3, 2021 1.16.5 18 download Sword Selection swordselection-1.16.5-0.3.0.jar betaDownload
swordselection-0.2.0-1.16.5.jar beta 15.29 KB Jun 27, 2021 1.16.5 30 download Sword Selection swordselection-0.2.0-1.16.5.jar betaDownload
swordselection-0.1.1-1.16.5.jar beta 12.93 KB Jun 26, 2021 1.16.5 11 download Sword Selection swordselection-0.1.1-1.16.5.jar betaDownload



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Sword Selection – A Minecraft mod for Forge

This all-new Minecraft mod adds in new medieval-inspired sword variations. Over time, many swords have popped up over the years, coming in new builds and forms. Sword Selection aims to add many of these famous and popular sword variations into Minecraft with some special twists. You can find the changelog and full list of features below.



stone sickles iron sickles

Originating in the Neolithic Era, this special harvesting tool was also considered as a weapon because of its unique hook properties. In the Sword Selection mod, they are slightly faster than the average sword but do a little less damage in exchange. It can be used as a replacement for a hoe and can harvest crops too. The iron tier deals 3 damage with 3 attack speed and the stone tier deals 2 damage with 2.8 attack speed. Can be dual wielded.


stone broadsword iron broadsword

These bulky swords first came into use during the Medieval Ages as a double edged, sharper sword than its predecessors. As part of Sword Selection, they are a hefty weight to hold, due to their immense width and power. With the iron tier dealing a massive 8 damage for 0.7 attack speed and the stone tier dealing 7 damage for 0.6 attack speed, this sword is extremely powerful and has the power to send your enemies reeling with increased knockback.


stone longsword iron longsword

The longsword is a slightly flimsy and thin sword that came into existence during the Renaissance period in Europe. It was widely used in dueling, especially in the Viking era. Today, the longsword holds a special place in the Sword Selection mod. It is slightly thinner than the basic sword and is similar in terms of combat, with the iron tier dealing 7 damage for 1.8 attack speed and the stone tier dealing 6 damage for 1.6 attack speed. However, it has special properties. Striking a mob has a ten percent chance of spawning a lightning strike at their position, making this sword all the more deadly. In fact, in a thunderstorm, it has a 100% chance of spawning a lightning bolt.


As of version 0.3.0, you can input an iron or stone sword into a stonecutter to get their respective variations. However, a future feature may include a custom tile entity that can craft the different variations.


Here is the changelog for the recent patches/updates to the mod.

0.4.0 (Snapshot/Beta)

Gameplay changes:

  • Dual wielding is now functional. Equip any tier of sickles in the offhand and another in the mainhand to fight like a boss
  • NOTE: the above only works when a sickle is in both the main hand and offhand, otherwise it would be too overpowered

0.3.1 (Snapshot/Beta)

Gameplay changes:

  • Dual wielding has been added for sickles, but it is not yet functional and is purely cosmetic, meaning it won't do any extra damage.
  • You can also right click the sickles to create an attack animation that doesn't do any damage. This is a WIP

0.3.0 (Snapshot/Beta)

Gameplay changes:

  • Added the stone tiers of the sickles, longsword, and broadsword, as well as model and texture files and recipes

Technical changes:

  • Revamped version system in build.gradle, made it more efficient for getting the mod version

0.2.0 (Snapshot/Beta)

Added the Iron longsword and model, recipe, and texture files

0.1.1 (Snapshot/Beta)

Added iron sickles, iron broadswords, and stonecutter recipes for both

Future Plans

Currently, I am focusing on adding new tiers of the existing sword variations. Iron and stone have already been completed, but there will be a wood, diamond, and netherite tier of each variation as well.

Not only that, but there are plans for more variations to come in future updates. These include:

  • Throwable daggers
  • Scythe
  • Scimitar (long knives)
  • and much more…

In addition to more variations, here are some more plans for miscellaneous things that may be added into the mod in the future (in order of likelyness from most likely to least likely):

  • Config files to control each sword's attack damage and speed, as well as enable and disable variations and features
  • Custom tile entity that can craft and uncraft each sword variation
  • Dual wielding for the scimitars and sickles, and other variations that may need it

Technical Info

Sword Selection is built using Minecraft Forge version 36.1.0 and MCP for Minecraft 1.16.5. It is licensed under the MIT license. You can feel free to use this mod in a modpack as long as you credit me as the author.

As for future versions, I am planning to port this mod to 1.17 once Forge has released for it.
A Fabric version is most likely not going to happen anytime soon, however it is a possibility. Feel free to port this mod to Fabric if you want to.

NOTE: This mod is a work in progress (WIP). This means that not all features are in the game yet. It is still in beta and features are being added continually. If you would like to help in the development of this mod, you can message me on MinecraftPatch.


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