Minecraft TAGMOD mod 2025 download
minecraft mod TAGMOD


Game Version: 1.12.2
Total Downloads: 476
Updated: Jul 26, 2020
Created: Jun 12, 2020
Download TAGMODDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
Update 2: Shifting Sands release 5.34 MB Jul 26, 2020 1.12.2 250 download TAGMOD Update 2: Shifting Sands releaseDownload
Aching Heartbreaks of Rot beta 16.25 MB Jul 30, 2021 1.12.2 0 download TAGMOD Aching Heartbreaks of Rot betaDownload
Drifting Time Misplaced beta 15.27 MB Feb 27, 2021 1.12.2 61 download TAGMOD Drifting Time Misplaced betaDownload
Better Find A Church beta 6.65 MB Jan 15, 2021 1.12.2 40 download TAGMOD Better Find A Church betaDownload
Tagmod.jar beta 4.91 MB Jun 16, 2020 1.12.2 124 download TAGMOD Tagmod.jar betaDownload



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Why hello Lads! This mod is a bit of a compilation of my worldbuilding ideas and random references, primarily focused on adding unique weapons, food, items and blocks. 

The vast majority of these items are Creative Mode only, intended for Adventure Maps and other such builds. However i am adding more content to survival.



-Over 100 (mostly) unique weapons 

-Many sets of armor (many with special effects)

-Foods and potions

-Lots of decorative blocks

-Custom potion effects and mechanics

-A handful of new Mobs (most of them are a tad glitchy, but i'm trying to fix it)

-A new biome (with more to come!)

-Many naturally generated structures 

-A new Dimension: Perdition. a portal made of charred wood and a key of wicker and coal will open the way to this hidden sea of endless sludge and burning memory



Bloodblight Set
-Mask grants night vision and blindness


Bloodblight Hood


Leper Armor


Cage Armor


Patient Set


Vest And Slacks


Bandage Set
-Gives erratic healing


Leather Plate Armor


Leather Marine Armor


Wartorn Leather Plate Armor


Plague Priestess Set
-Mask gives erratic healing


Iron Knight Armor


Wartorn Iron Knight Armor


Elite Knight Armor
-Body gives erratic healing


Grated Knight Helm


Iron Crusader Armor


Wrapped Iron Crusader Armor


Hooded Iron Crusader Helm


Vigilant Armor
-Helm grants night vision and mining fatigue


Mask Of The Phantom
-Grants invisibility and slowness


Helm Of The Drunkard
-Grants strength and resistance if you have nausea


Chainmail Of The Vanguard
-Grants resistance when low on health


Boots Of Springheel Jak
-Grants speed and jump boost


Tick Set
-Robes randomly drop ticks


Bread Armor
-gives erratic hunger restoration
-rapidly damaged by water


Spectral Knight Armor
-Helm grants resistance speed and haste while invisible


Crown Of The Ordained Lord
-Grants resistance speed and strength while invisible
-While wielding the Sword Of Tormented Lords grants invisibility and changes the Revenants to be friendly


Flesh Armor
-Mask grants immunity to hunger and most rotten flesh and foods
-Apron erratically drops flesh related items
-boots prevent ill effects from walking on offal blocks


Proxy God's Vestments
-gives erratic healing



I will attempt to make a detailed list of the items and effects at a later date.

i have been working on this mod for a few months now, and hopefully its not too glitchy or anything as its my first mod.


Many thanks to MCreator, for without this amazing program i likely never would've managed to make this.


I am definitely open to feedback and suggestions for new content. Many thanks for checking out my work! 


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