Minecraft Uranium Reenriched mod mod 2024 download
minecraft mod Uranium Reenriched mod

Uranium Reenriched mod

Game Version: 1.7.10
Total Downloads: 2,015
Updated: Sep 22, 2017
Created: May 20, 2017
Download Uranium Reenriched modDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
UraniumRE-1.1.0.jar release 170.90 KB Sep 22, 2017 1.7.10 594 download Uranium Reenriched mod UraniumRE-1.1.0.jar releaseDownload
UraniumRE-1.0.6.jar release 118.54 KB Jun 10, 2017 1.7.10 131 download Uranium Reenriched mod UraniumRE-1.0.6.jar releaseDownload
UraniumRE-1.0.5.jar release 112.49 KB Jun 3, 2017 1.7.10 82 download Uranium Reenriched mod UraniumRE-1.0.5.jar releaseDownload
UraniumRE-1.0.4.jar release 107.75 KB Jun 3, 2017 1.7.10 62 download Uranium Reenriched mod UraniumRE-1.0.4.jar releaseDownload
UraniumRE-1.0.3.jar release 107.63 KB Jun 3, 2017 1.7.10 73 download Uranium Reenriched mod UraniumRE-1.0.3.jar releaseDownload
UraniumRE-1.0.2.jar release 107.61 KB Jun 3, 2017 1.7.10 69 download Uranium Reenriched mod UraniumRE-1.0.2.jar releaseDownload
UraniumRE-1.0.1.jar release 106.92 KB May 29, 2017 1.7.10 90 download Uranium Reenriched mod UraniumRE-1.0.1.jar releaseDownload
UraniumRE-1.0.jar release 106.63 KB May 27, 2017 1.7.10 93 download Uranium Reenriched mod UraniumRE-1.0.jar releaseDownload
UraniumRE-1.0.9.jar beta 157.46 KB Aug 30, 2017 1.7.10 246 download Uranium Reenriched mod UraniumRE-1.0.9.jar betaDownload
UraniumRE-1.0.8.jar beta 151.89 KB Aug 29, 2017 1.7.10 78 download Uranium Reenriched mod UraniumRE-1.0.8.jar betaDownload
UraniumRE-1.0.7.jar beta 136.15 KB Aug 9, 2017 1.7.10 82 download Uranium Reenriched mod UraniumRE-1.0.7.jar betaDownload
UraniumRE-0.4.jar beta 97.97 KB May 25, 2017 1.7.10 68 download Uranium Reenriched mod UraniumRE-0.4.jar betaDownload
UraniumRE-0.3.jar beta 86.51 KB May 23, 2017 1.7.10 66 download Uranium Reenriched mod UraniumRE-0.3.jar betaDownload
UraniumRE-0.2.jar alpha 79.10 KB May 21, 2017 1.7.10 229 download Uranium Reenriched mod UraniumRE-0.2.jar alphaDownload
UraniumRE-0.1.jar alpha 67.82 KB May 20, 2017 1.7.10 52 download Uranium Reenriched mod UraniumRE-0.1.jar alphaDownload


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Hi all!

A long time ago I saw a mod simply called "Uranium mod". It was a fairly basic concept: collect radioactive material, infuse it into items and create cool tools. Then the mod kinda vanished and I decided to take the idea to the next level.

This mod is highly WIP! The GUIs aren't finished, and some machines have none. You can interact with them by right click/shift-right click. There is also the Debugger item that can tell what a machine is up to. Feel free to use it in the beta version of the mod.


The infusion part is like it was in the old mod, except nuclear fuel has Radiation (good) and Contamination (bad) levels.

Reactor leak [WIP]

If you build up too much Contamination in your reactor, it will leak and, in extreme cases, melt down. In these processes, water turns into heavy water and solid blocks get covered in Waste Goo.

RW (RotoWatt)

This is a new power system. It travels from top to bottom only. Machines which support it, have tooltips that indicate their RW consumption/production.

Heavy water

A new fluid, created as a side-product. Used by the Deuterium Extractor to fill cells with Deuterium.

Radiating tools

Crafted from Radiating iron. They are slightly better versions of the iron tools. Additionally, swords poison enemies and shovels can dig up Waste Goo.

Radiating armor

Crafted form C-14 crystals. They are slightly better versions of the diamond armor. The boots protect you from Waste Goo damage, the helmet gives night vision, the chestplate cures poison and the leggings give resistance.


Created by the Plasma Heater from Deuterium cells. Throwing it will cause, well… a lack of terrain in the vicinity (so don't do that).


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