Minecraft Domy’s Essentials mod 2025 download
minecraft mod Domy’s Essentials

Domy’s Essentials

Game Version: 1.16.5
Total Downloads: 444
Updated: May 8, 2021
Created: May 24, 2020
Download Domy’s EssentialsDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
IT'S PIKACHU!!! release 408.60 KB May 8, 2021 1.16.5 114 download Domy’s Essentials IT'S PIKACHU!!! releaseDownload
Version 8 (Black Fire) release 404.98 KB Oct 11, 2020 1.15.2 55 download Domy’s Essentials Version 8 (Black Fire) releaseDownload
Version 7 (Silent Fields) release 387.70 KB Jul 22, 2020 1.15.2 43 download Domy’s Essentials Version 7 (Silent Fields) releaseDownload
Version 6 (Emerald Knights Expansion) release 292.50 KB Jul 18, 2020 1.15.2 23 download Domy’s Essentials Version 6 (Emerald Knights Expansion) releaseDownload
Version 5.1 Re-Release of the "Among The Dead" Expansion release 228.98 KB Jul 18, 2020 1.15.2 11 download Domy’s Essentials Version 5.1 Re-Release of the Download
Version 5 (Among The Dead Expansion) release 231.29 KB Jul 17, 2020 1.15.2 7 download Domy’s Essentials Version 5 (Among The Dead Expansion) releaseDownload
Version 4 (Rise of the Lapis) release 196.10 KB Jul 17, 2020 1.15.2 13 download Domy’s Essentials Version 4 (Rise of the Lapis) releaseDownload
Version 3 (The Plants Strike Back) release 168.60 KB Jul 17, 2020 1.15.2 10 download Domy’s Essentials Version 3 (The Plants Strike Back) releaseDownload
Domy's Essentials Backport release 134.19 KB Jun 27, 2020 1.14 17 download Domy’s Essentials Domy's Essentials Backport releaseDownload
Version 2 (Iron Demons Expansion) release 134.36 KB May 28, 2020 1.15.2 123 download Domy’s Essentials Version 2 (Iron Demons Expansion) releaseDownload
Version 1 (Swords To Rule Them All) release 103.53 KB May 24, 2020 1.15.2 28 download Domy’s Essentials Version 1 (Swords To Rule Them All) releaseDownload



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This mod, quite simply, adds many tools to make every item much more valuable.



-New Weapons and Tools

-New Armor

-Exchanges to provide usage for unused items

-Craftable Plants

-Transformation Plants and Foods; Commit die in order to generate: Dogs, Zombies, and more!


-Flintlock pistol

-Training Sword



For those who want something much smaller for encouraging exploration, as opposed to adding new items to the game

Domy's Exploration Encouragement





 All content in this mod is craftable, and will not spawn naturally throughout the world. Also, please comment on what you want to see in future versions by requesting one of the types listed near the bottom of the description.




What does this this mod include?


Version 1 (Tools to Rule Them All)

-Emergency picks for when you run out of wood while underground. They're fast, but also break after 10 uses. Don't use this tools for anything above coal or stone. Uses a 2×2 grid


-Emergency torches for when sticks aren't available. They produce only two torches at a time, instead of four, as wood still needs a use. Uses a 2×2 grid


-Exchanges to make those useless items into valuables. Ex: Surround an emerald with diorite in exchange for one lapis


-Two foods that mainly serve miners and are made by farmers. The Beetroot Feast gives Haste II for one minute, but requires a honey bottle surrounded by beetroots to be made. The Soldier's Meal fills your main hunger bar and gives 20 saturation points. This meal only requires a 2×2 grid


-Redstone pick and axe are basically much faster, unenchantable wooden tools, but work well when trying to conserve wood for more powerful tools. They have 30 efficiency, which is very useful for quickly removing stone and wood that get in the way. Be warned of the fact that they will destroy the blocks that you break, so you will not get resources from using them.


-Obsidian pick and axe are nearly the opposite. They mine very slowly (efficiency of 1, compared to a wooden tool's efficiency 2), but can harvest everything using an absurdly high harvest rating of ten. They're suitable netherite replacements for us, as their durability is 2.5k and the damage is the same. However, obsidian tools, like redstone, can't be enchanted.


-New weapons were added in order to better diversify combat encounters

*The Slayer weapons are basically diamond, but require iron blocks to repair

*The Poison Blade lacks up-front damage, but inflicts poison I upon targets for 5 seconds. Can't enchant. Repair with poisonous potato or iron ingot. Only requires a 2×2 grid

*The Obsidian Blade is a powerful AOE weapon (sweeping 4) that lacks speed and enchantability. Repair with Obsidian

*The Flame blade inflicts a powerful burning effect and hits hard, but has a very low durability and lacks the ability to enchant or repair. Smelt an iron sword to create

*The Long Sword is stronger than a diamond sword and faster than an axe (even able to take down shields), but lacks the ability to sweep or be enchanted. Repair with an iron block. Uses a 2×2 grid

*The Ender Sword is an extremely weak tool for killing opponents directly, but it teleports the enemy to a random part of the world (along with their loot if they manage to die), making this tool effective for avoiding combat entirely. However, the weapon is fragile with its 10 durability and requires an eye of ender to make as well as repair. Uses a 2×2 grid


Version 2 (Iron Demons Expansion)

-Adds Slayer armor, which the equivalent of diamond tier while looking like iron. Requires iron blocks to repair


Domy's Essentials Backport

This mod is now available to 1.14 users, though it is basically update 2


Version 3 (The Plants Strike Back)

-Adds three new plants

These can't be found naturally, and can only be crafted

Weeping Sorrows generate rain when petted

White Deaths transform the player into npc wolves when petted (this results in player death)

Cleansing Plants act like portable milk buckets, making it especially useful for group play


Version 4 (Rise of the Lapis)

~Lapis Armor has been introduced

– Iron tier protection

– Gold tier enchantability

– Utilizes Leather Armor


~Two additional plants

– Feather plants provide Slow Fall for 30 seconds

– Flame plants provide Fire Resistance for 30 seconds


Dev Note for Versions 3 and 4

I've decided to add plants that provide power in order to encourage group play as well as reward players that horde everything they get



Version 5 (Among The Dead Expansion)

~Three new plants for your transformation desires (no matter how twisted it may be):

-Vamp Plants turn one into a bat (there's no cape, sorry)

-Skull Plants turn one into a spooky and scary skeleton

-Z Plants turn one into a flesh walker (When Plants and Zombies unite)


Version 5.1 (Re-release of the "Among The Dead" Expansion)

-Fixed the ability for Z Plants to magically spawn throughout the world without removing the previous release (Unless you want these lethal plants scattered across your world)


Version 6 (Emerald Knights Expansion)

-Lapis armor has been lightened up a little in texture, plus the armor was rebalanced in order to become the marriage between gold's enchantability and iron's toughness (this may work best with mods that add extra enchantments)


-Chocolate cake has been added, which is an item, rather than a block like cake


-Golden Cups have been added, as well as being able to create powerful drinks with them:

~The Cup of Kings grants Resistance 5 (immunity) for 30 seconds (this may or may not be adjusted in the future)

~The Cup of Rage grants strength 2 for 30 seconds (may or may not be reduced to 1 in future versions)

~The Cup of Sorrow replicates the Weeping Sorrow plant by generating rain


*These cups take a long time to consume, and cannot be applied to groups


-New fuels include the Ol' Flame Sword (equivalent to a block of coal) and the Cup of Rage (equivalent to 8 lava buckets, which is the same amount used in creating said power cup)


-Speaking of the Flame Sword, now you can combine the Flame Plant with an iron sword in order to create 20 of them (though it is heavily preferred that iron be smelted instead, since creating a Flame Plant requires 8 lava buckets)


-Introducing Emerald Armor as the middle-ground between iron and diamond


-Daggers have been added to the game (the variants include: stone, gold, iron, lapis, emerald, and diamond)


Version 7 (Fields of Silence Expansion)

This update focuses on fixing balance issues with old swords, since they were 2 damage higher than intended due to the sword damage formula that I've neglected.

-All swords and daggers have received a sweeping nerf to damage in order to put them in line with standard Minecraft weaponry (Poison Blade have received a larger nerf, while the Obsidian Blade is unchanged)

-9 soups have been added to the game

~Carrot Soup grants Night Vision for 10 seconds

~Wheat Soup grants Regeneration II for 10 seconds

~Potato Soup grants Saturation II for 10 seconds

~Foxy Soup replaces the consumer with a fox, which results in a 'Death' state

~Pig Soup replaces the consumer with a pig, which results in a 'Death' state

~Cow Soup replaces the consumer with a cow, which results in a 'Death' state

~Mooshroom Soup replaces a cow when hit (yes, I mean hit) with a mooshroom cow

~Melon Juice grants invisibility for 10 seconds (The crop that finally has a purpose)

~Chili grants Resistance III and Fire Resistance for 10 seconds

-Maces of all types now available, which do less damage and aren't generally enchantable, but do more damage to all monsters. They are also slower than swords

~Note: Gold has the greatest bonus damage, Lapis has Gold-Tier Enchantability, and Diamond is generally tougher and has just enough enchantability for mending

-Two training weapons have been added

~The Training Sword is made of oak, and is similar to the wooden sword

~The Shinai is a Japanese training weapon made by bamboo, which is now not just useful for scaffolding


Version 8 (Black Fire) 

Adds a Flintlock Pistol to the game. While not a huge change, this weapon is an introduction to the new age. Now, there is a new use for both flint and gunpowder. Have fun  🙂



This is my first mod, so I would like to hear any suggestions to add or changes to the gear. However, I only know how to make food, tools, armor, recipes, and fuel at the moment (little things). -> *NEW* Plants as well



READ: I accidentally created two different mods that are nearly the same. Domy's Tools Of Power was the older mod, and has less content than this one. This may be a good thing for those who want a mod to branch in two different directions. Not sure if this is a good thing or not, so we'll see.


READ (2): As one can see, the updates can get more complicated as changes roll in. However, as of version 5, all of the content can only be crafted. Therefore, you can skip out on most additions to the mod. I don't wish to change what is already in the base game, so the content is only to add items to the base game.




Updated to 1.16.5 !



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