Minecraft Scorch (Fabric) mod 2025 download
minecraft mod Scorch (Fabric)

Scorch (Fabric)

Game Version: 1.17.1
Total Downloads: 295,937
Updated: Sep 10, 2021
Created: Jun 21, 2021
Download Scorch (Fabric)Download Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
Scorch Fabric 1.17.1 v1.1.2 release 228.73 KB Sep 10, 2021 1.17.1 0 download Scorch (Fabric) Scorch Fabric 1.17.1 v1.1.2 releaseDownload
Scorch Fabric 1.17.1 v1.1.1 release 261.08 KB Sep 8, 2021 1.17.1 275 download Scorch (Fabric) Scorch Fabric 1.17.1 v1.1.1 releaseDownload
Scorch Fabric 1.17.1 v1.1.0 release 232.00 KB Aug 31, 2021 1.17.1 35,874 download Scorch (Fabric) Scorch Fabric 1.17.1 v1.1.0 releaseDownload
Scorch Fabric 1.17.1 v1.0.2 release 134.82 KB Jul 7, 2021 1.17.1 103,979 download Scorch (Fabric) Scorch Fabric 1.17.1 v1.0.2 releaseDownload
Scorch Fabric 1.17 v1.0.1 release 2.22 MB Jun 23, 2021 1.17 155,795 download Scorch (Fabric) Scorch Fabric 1.17 v1.0.1 releaseDownload
Scorch Fabric 1.17 v1.0.0 release 93.00 KB Jun 23, 2021 1.17 14 download Scorch (Fabric) Scorch Fabric 1.17 v1.0.0 releaseDownload


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Scorch is a mod for Fabric which adjusts several aspects of the Nether and introduces some new functional blocks. Initially conceived as a gunpowder rebalance, it branched off into something larger.



Feature Overview


  • Pyrack is found above ground in the Crimson Forest, Nether Wastes, and Soul Sand Valley. It's found below ground (around netherite layer) in every biome.
  • Pyrack drops gunpowder when mined without silk touch.
  • If Pyrack interacts with a flame bow, flint and steel, fire charges, fire, fireballs, or explosions, it will detonate.
  • Most things detonate it instantly, but fire blocks will burn it slowly before it suddenly detonates.
  • Pyrack is useful when netherite mining, as you will find ores that you can detonate to help clear space.
  • Pyrack also drops a lot of experience, so it's optimal for repairing mending tools by mining it.
  • Pyrack makes the nether a bit more dangerous, as you wouldn't want to be near it if a ghast is shooting you. You'd also want to keep away from veins of Pyric Netherrack if there is lava or fire nearby, as it could detonate at any moment.
  • It's also fun to shoot clusters of Pyrack with a flame bow.



  • Ignistone is meant to act as a replacement for the single pockets of lava that spawn underground.
  • Ignistone spawns deep underground (around the netherite layer).
  • If broken, it will turn into lava. You can avoid this by mining it with Silk Touch.
  • Ignistone indicates the presence of a 10-sized ancient debris patch nearby. If you're finding Ignistone, excavate the area and you'll find this large debris patch. The closer you are, the more Ignistone you'll find.
  • Ignistone can be made manually by placing Crying Obsidian above a lava source block.
  • Ignistone can be useful as it allows you to transport large amounts of lava somewhere without the use of buckets.


Additional Features

  • Detonating netherrack with TNT gives it a 6% chance of dropping gunpowder. This means you can renew gunpowder easily, especially if you're Netherite Mining with TNT. Just don't forget to bring plenty of sand!
  • Underground Nether Lava is significantly reduced, intended to be replaced by the presence of Pyrack and Ignistone.
  • Very rarely you'll find a vein of 10 ancient debris. You'll know a large ancient debris vein is nearby if you are finding Ignistone in the area.
  • Crying Obsidian can be placed up to 10 blocks above lava sources to create Ignistone, or above flowing lava to create netherrack.




This mod requires the Relevant Fabric API and Fabric Loader.




Special thanks to Gegy, Cameron, Jsburg, Shock Micro, Five, MCVinnyq, and David Jung for helping out with the mod.

And thanks to Frenderman for the mod icon.



  • You can find me on Twitter @Astrazoey.



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