The best Minecraft mods 2025 for World Gen

World Gen

       You must use the Biomes O' Plenty world type when creating a world for biomes...
download Biomes O’ PlentyDownload
This mod will add dungeons meant to resemble levels from retro "2 1/2d" first-person shooters, and...
download Doomlike DungeonsDownload
Forge is no longer supported by my mods. Going forward, my mods will only be available...
download Phosphor (Forge)Download
“Large ore deposits” is a mod that adds very rare, but super-massive ore deposits to the...
download Large Ore DepositsDownload
KubeJS What does this mod do? This mod lets you create scripts in JavaScript language to...
download KubeJSDownload
"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself...
download Oh The Biomes You’ll GoDownload
Note: all chest loot info can be found here in the loot table files for the...
download Repurposed Structures (Forge)Download
Fabric Edition   1.14+: Requires Kiwi 1.18: Back up your world because ALL modded block tile data...
download Snow! Real Magic! ⛄ (Forge)Download
This version of Traverse is a port for the Forge mod loader. You can find the...
download Traverse ReforgedDownload
MineTogether is a platform that also contains a multiplayer enhancement mod.   This mod provides features...
download MineTogetherDownload