The best Minecraft mods 2025 for Biomes


       You must use the Biomes O' Plenty world type when creating a world for biomes...
download Biomes O’ PlentyDownload
This is the successor of NotEnoughResources.   Bleeding edge builds are the ones tagged as alpha...
download Just Enough Resources (JER)Download
  About Twilight Forest "Imagine stepping through a portal into a twilight realm, filled with trees...
download The Twilight ForestDownload
Minecraft Forum – Source Code - Issue Tracker Nature's Compass is a utility item that allows you to search for a...
download Nature’s CompassDownload
 For more in-depth discussions, there is a discord-server available.   You are playing with other Mods...
download Aroma1997s Dimensional WorldDownload
"You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself...
download Oh The Biomes You’ll GoDownload
          You may use this mod in a modpack as long as you do...
download Serene SeasonsDownload
This version of Traverse is a port for the Forge mod loader. You can find the...
download Traverse ReforgedDownload
Tumbleweeds spawn around dead bushes in deserts and drop random goodies upon harvesting. Drops (customizable through...
download TumbleweedDownload
    The Betweenlands is a mod developed by the Angry Pixel modding group. This large...
download [ANGRY PIXEL] The BetweenlandsDownload