Minecraft Fortress Compound mod 2025 download
minecraft mod Fortress Compound

Fortress Compound

Game Version: 1.7.10
Total Downloads: 2,844
Updated: Jul 26, 2015
Created: Jul 26, 2015
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Fortress Compound-.zip release 7.64 MB Jul 26, 2015 1.7.10 2,844 download Fortress Compound Fortress Compound-.zip releaseDownload


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This is a WIP.

The compound is complete save for the spawners in the catacombs under the castle.

Features: Blacksmith, Apothecary, General Store(unfurnished), Library, Inn, barracks, catacombs,  and Castle.

The castle and general store are unfurnished, furnishings should be provided by the player.

The entire compound, save for the catacombs(after spawners are installed), is completely hostile mob proof.

Bats spawn in the catacombs and mooshrooms  have the potential to spawn on the grounds.

I changed the biome for the compound to mushroom island to prevent creepers from spawning in the catacombs.

If the player moves the compound to a different biome, this will still be mob proof, as I half-slabbed EVERYTHING.

This is a nice world for starting a survival game.


Made in 1.7.10




Credit to pdx7 for the seed and his/her amazing Amidst scripts.

Not tested with Minecraft 1.8

This world is Public Domain

Anyone can use it but please give credit to me as the original author if you use the map for public use(YouTube videos, server build, etc)

Link to the minecraftforum.net page: Here   


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