Minecraft Global Market mod 2024 download
minecraft mod Global Market

Global Market

Game Version: 1.12
Total Downloads: 1,267
Updated: Jun 25, 2017
Created: Jun 25, 2017
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Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
Global Market 1.0.0 release 54.67 KB Jun 25, 2017 1.12 1,267 download Global Market Global Market 1.0.0 releaseDownload


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Global Market is designed to let users place buy and sell orders that are stored in a MySQL database so that they can universally buy and sell items whenever, wherever. It is versatile so the user can use not only the name of the item, but the id, and also just saying 'hand' will find the item in the players hand and use that in the command.


NOTE: This plugin works for both craftbukkit and spigot!

ALSO NOTE: If you have essentials, you may need to disable its sell function/command. (no on uses it anyways)



  • Permission support
  • Gets Rid of ChestShops
  • Can easily buy/sell items
  • Vault gives access to Economy so currency used is whatever economy config is
  • Can have parts of your order filled by many different people
  • Easy to use
  • Easy to configure


  • Vault
  • Some Economy Plugin
  • Permissions setup
  • MySQL Database – need only create the database, the plugin will do the rest of the work.


  1. Put the plugin into your plugins folder
  2. Run the server
  3. Config will be generated, change to your needs
  4. Setup your MySQL Database. – Very simple.
  5. Restart the server, not just reloading the plugins
  6. Enjoy.

Config Setup

The config for this plugin will automatically generate once the server has been run once with the plugin installed. You will need to edit this config before the plugin can be used. The config contains info for your MySQL Database login information.

Just change the username to the user name for your DB (most likely root) and change the password field to your password. The URL can most likely be left alone, you only need to change the name of the database to what you want to name it (and create it). The default is 'market'.


Database Setup

This is very simple. You only need to create a database with the same name as the one in the config. Thats it! The tables and info will be created/populated by the plugin.



Command Description Permission
/buy <item> <amount> <priceofeach> [enchantments] Create a buy offer. Market.buy
/sell <item> <amount> <priceofeach> [enchantments] Create a sell offer. Market.sell
/check <item> [enchantments] Gives market info about an item. Market.check
/offers [page] Lists all your offers. Market.offers
/buyoffers Lists all your buy offers. Market.offers
/selloffers Lists all your sell offers. Market.offers
/clearoffers Clears out old empty offers from database. Market.admin
/abortoffer Deletes a user's offer. Market.offers
/collect [offerNumber] Collects items from an offer. Market.collect


Video Tutorials




[NOTE] This plugin currently does not support the purchase/sale of enchanted books and potions due to issues with them. I will be working to see if I can include these in a later update



If you have any issues/problems feel free to create a ticket in the issues section/tab. I will do my best to respond/help you best I can.



  • Support Enchanted Books
  • Support Potions
  • Your Suggestion Here


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