Minecraft Mac Scrolling Fix mod 2024 download
minecraft mod Mac Scrolling Fix

Mac Scrolling Fix

Game Version: 1.17
Total Downloads: 19
Updated: Jun 27, 2021
Created: Jun 27, 2021
Download Mac Scrolling FixDownload Earlier Versions

Earlier Versions

Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
fabric-mac-scrolling-fix-1.0.0.jar release 7.80 KB Jun 27, 2021 1.17 19 download Mac Scrolling Fix fabric-mac-scrolling-fix-1.0.0.jar releaseDownload


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If you are playing Minecraft on the MacOS operating system, you can't scroll through your hotbar while holding shift. This is very annoying, for example if you are somewhere where you need to walk on magma blocks, you need to hold shift not to take damage. If you want to scroll through your hotbar, you have 2 options: the first is just pressing the number, which can be annoying to reach, and the second is unshifting to scroll.


This mod fixes that bug. What caused the bug was that when holding shift and scrolling on a Mac, the OS turns vertical scroll into horizontal scroll. Minecraft doesn't care about horizontal scroll, therefore you would not scroll through your inventory. What I essentially did was, if the vertical scroll is 0, use the horizontal scroll. This bug has been in the game for a long time, and I think that fixing it would help a lot of people.


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