The best Minecraft mods 2025 for Twitch Integration

Twitch Integration

Twitch Chat Bridge This light-weight mod links a Twitch channel's chat to your Minecraft chatbox! There...
download Twitch Chat Bridge (Fabric)Download
Entropy: Chaos Mod Entropy is a Chaos Mod where random events happen every 30 seconds. The...
download Entropy: Chaos ModDownload
This mod is primarily designed for Twitch integration, featuring a number of hostile (or angerable) bees...
download Carrier BeesDownload
Critter Fights This mod simply adds a command, /cfight, which allows you to pit any two...
download Critter FightsDownload
Thump is a simple, highly configurable Minecraft chat multiplexer with built in IRC support. It's part...
download ThumpDownload
Be at your viewers' mercy! Every 30 seconds, a random command is chosen from Twitch Chat....
download Streamer Vs ChatDownload
What Is The Point? This mod provides purely cosmetic benefits and is made to make your...
download LOTR DrpDownload
Ever wanted to do some cool twitch integration, but never having the technical ability to set...
download KubeJS TwitchIntegrationDownload
This is not a standalone mod. This mod serves as an API Library for any mods...
download Twitch 4J LibDownload
This mod allows you to share your in-game statistics with your viewers on Twitch! All statistics...
download MCStats – Twitch IntegrationDownload