Minecraft Progressive Damage mod 2024 download
minecraft mod Progressive Damage

Progressive Damage

Game Version: 1.16.5
Total Downloads: 44
Updated: Jun 4, 2021
Created: Jun 4, 2021
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ProgressiveDamage 1.16.5 release 69.77 KB Jun 4, 2021 1.16.5 44 download Progressive Damage ProgressiveDamage 1.16.5 releaseDownload



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~ Are you tired of getting knocked down constantly at the start of the game

~ Are you tired of the endgame being too easy, with nothing being able to threaten you


     Progressive Damage will make it so towards the start of the game,

mobs will hardly be able to damage you.

However the more damage you take from a mob, the more and more

damage it will be able to do.  From 0 to 1 shotting you.


    There are game rules for you to adjust the values of your damage resistance, damage storage type, and damage cooldown.

To make the game easier, by default you can only take damage once every 20 ticks (1 second).  That can be changed with the dmgcooldown gamerule.

Your damage resistance default value is 5.  lowering it will make you take more damage per hit, raising it will make you take less damage per hit.

And finally the damage storage type.  Damage can be stored as either True; Per entity.  or False; overall damage.

If you'd rather have 1 giant pool so everything damages you somewhat evenly  its best to set dmgStorage to false.

Keep in mind, when doing this, its best to also increase your damage resistance. 


having high armor bars, and normal Protection are the only ways to protect yourself when the damage starts to progress.


Ease of life; clicking on a mob with a clock will show you its damage value.

There is no way to lower a mobs damage value without changing its scoreboard.


known bug; entities that are renamed will create a new entity pool.  To avoid this bug, set the damage storage type to false.



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